Research Professor (1)
조수미 (Jo Su Mi)
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Professional Experience
2019.03 - 2023.01 : 독일 헬름홀쯔 연구소, 박사후 연구원
2023.02 - 2024.08 : 경북대학교 자동차부품소재 연구소, 연구교수
Research topic : Alloy design and process development for Mg alloys
Ph. D. Course (5)
김상훈 (Kim Sang-Hoon) [2020.08 졸업]
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Current : 국방과학연구소 (ADD)
Education : 경상대학교 금속재료공학전공 (B.S.)
과학기술연합대학원대학교 신소재 공학 (M.S.)
경북대학교 금속신소재공학전공 (Ph.D.)
Doctoral dissertation : Improvement in mechanical properties of extruded Mg-Sn and Mg-Al alloys through alloy design and process control
Publication : SCI(E) 41편, non-SCI(E) 2편
이종언 (Lee Jong Un) [2023.08 졸업]
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Current : 한국재료연구원(KIMS) 박사후연구원
Education : 경북대학교 신소재공학부 (B.S.)
경북대학교 신소재공학부 (M.S.)
경북대학교 금속신소재공학전공 (Ph.D.)
Doctoral dissertation : Improvement in bending formability of
AZ31 and AZXWMM91100 alloys via
texture control
Publication : SCI(E) 28편, non-SCI(E) 2편
김예진 (Kim Ye Jin) [2023.08 졸업]
E-mail :
Current : 국방과학연구소 (ADD)
Education : 경북대학교 신소재공학부 (B.S.)
경북대학교 신소재공학부 (M.S.)
경북대학교 금속신소재공학전공 (Ph.D.)
Doctoral dissertation : Effect of annealing temperature on
microstructural evolution and subsequent deformation behavior of pre-twinned AZ31
Mg alloy
Publication : SCI(E) 29편, non-SCI(E) 2편
김현지 (Kim Hyun Ji) [2024.08 졸업]
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Current :국방과학연구소 (ADD)
Education : 금오공과대학교 신소재공학부 (B.S.)
경북대학교 신소재 공학부 (M.S.)
경북대학교 금속재료공학전공 (Ph.D.)
Doctoral dissertation : Microstrucutre control and improvenment of
the mechanical properties of Mg-Al-based
alloys through pre-deformation and
heat treatment
Publication : SCI(E) 18편, non-SCI(E) 3편
이재근 (Lee Jae Kun) [2020.02 졸업]
E-mail :
Current : 풍산
Education : 영남대학교 금속공학전공 (B.S.)
영남대학교 금속공학전공 (M.S.)
경북대학교 금속신소재공학전공 (Ph.D.)
Doctoral dissertation : Microstructural Homogeneity and
Mechanical Properties of Pure Copper
Fabricated by Severe Plastic Deformation
Publication : SCI(E) 1편, non-SCI(E) 1편
Master's Course (13)
배상우 (Bae Sang Woo) [2020.02 졸업]
E-mail :
Current : LG 에너지 솔루션
Education : 경북대학교 금속신소재공학전공 (B.S.)
경북대학교 금속신소재공학전공 (M.S.)
Publication : SCI(E) 5편, non-SCI(E) 0편
Master's thesis : Analysis of graphitization behavior by alloying elements and initial microstructure control
이상원 (Lee Sang Won) [2020.02 졸업]
E-mail :
Current : 한국재료연구원(KIMS)
Education : 경북대학교 금속신소재공학전공 (B.S.)
경북대학교 금속신소재공학전공 (M.S.)
KAIST 신소재공학과 (Ph.D.)
Publication : SCI(E) 12편, non-SCI(E) 0편
Master's thesis : The effects of Al content and extrusion temperature on microstructural and mechanical properties of extruded Mg-Al binary alloys
고종빈 (Go Jong Bin) [2020.02 졸업]
E-mail :
Current : Max Planck Institute (Post-Doc.)
Education : 금오공과대학교 신소재공학부 (B.S.)
경북대학교 금속신소재공학전공 (M.S.)
교토대학교 (Ph.D.)
Publication : SCI(E) 5편, non-SCI(E) 0편
Master's thesis : Microstructure and mechanical properties of hot extruded Mg-Bi binary alloys
이동희 (Lee Dong Hee) [2022.02 졸업]
E-mail :
Current : 현대제철
Education : 영남대학교 신소재공학부 (B.S.)
경북대학교 금속신소재공학전공 (M.S.)
Research topic : Mg extrusion process design
Publication : SCI(E) 5편, non-SCI(E) 0편
Master's thesis : Improvement of mechanical properties of Mg alloy extrudate through controlling extrusion billet shape
차재원 (Cha Jae Won) [2023.02 졸업]
E-mail :
Current : 삼성전자
Education : 경북대학교 금속신소재공학부 (B.S.)
경북대학교 금속신소재공학전공 (M.S.)
Research topic : High-performance Mg alloys for extrusion
Publication : SCI(E) 9편, non-SCI(E) 5편
Master's thesis : Effects of homogenization temperature on microstructure and mechanical properties of high-speed-extruded Mg-5Bi-3Al alloy
이교명 (Lee Gyo Myeong) [2023.02 졸업]
E-mail :
Current : 현대중공업
Education : 경북대학교 금속신소재공학전공 (B.S.)
경북대학교 금속신소재공학전공 (M.S.)
Research topic : Bending deformation of wrought Mg alloys
Publication : SCI(E) 9편, non-SCI(E) 1편
Master's thesis : Bending deformation behaviors of Mg alloys with different textures: Comparison of uniaxial and biaxial stress states
김정은 (Kim Jung Eun) [2023.08 졸업]
E-mail :
Current : 삼성SDI
Education : 울산대학교 첨단소재공학부 (B.S.)
경북대학교 금속신소재공학전공 (M.S.)
Research topic : Fatigue properties of Mg alloys
Publication : SCI(E) 2편, non-SCI(E) 0편
Master's thesis : Improvement of tensile and high-cycle fatigue properties of high-speed- extruded Mg-5Bi-3Al alloy without billet homogenization treatment
김근수 (Kim Kun Su) [2018.08 졸업]
E-mail :
Current : 현대제철 연주기술개발팀
Education : 경상대학교 금속재료공학전공 (B.S.)
경북대학교 금속신소재공학전공 (M.S.)
Publication : SCI(E) 1편, non-SCI(E) 0편
Master's thesis : Effects of cold-rolling pass number on microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-Mn system Aluminum alloy sheet
장호성 (Jang Ho Sung) [2019.08 졸업]
E-mail :
Current : 부산대학교 재료공학부 금속재료전공 (Ph.D.)
Education : 울산대학교 첨단소재공학부 (B.S.)
경북대학교 금속신소재공학전공 (M.S.)
Publication : SCI(E) 0편, non-SCI(E) 1편
Master's thesis : Characterization of Defects and Microstructure in Fe-6wt%Si alloy Produced Using Selective Laser Melting
최재옥 (Choi Jae Ok) [2020.08 졸업]
E-mail :
Current : (주) 엘프시스템
Education : 부경대학교 재료공학과 (B.S.)
경북대학교 금속신소재공학전공 (M.S.)
Publication : SCI(E) 2편, non-SCI(E) 0편
Master's thesis : Effect of Sn addition on microstructure and mechanical properties of extruded AZXW9100 alloy
최형선 (Choi Hyung Sun) [2020.08 수료]
E-mail :
Current : Novelis
Education : 서울산업대학교 기계공학과 (B.S.)
Research topic : High-strength 5xxx Al alloys
Publication : SCI(E) 0편, non-SCI(E) 0편
이수진 (Lee Su Jin) [2020.08 수료]
E-mail :
Current : 세아창원특수강
Education : 울산대학교 첨단소재공학부 (B.S.)
Research topic : High-speed rolling of Mg alloys
Publication : SCI(E) 1편, non-SCI(E) 0편
오수현 (Oh Su HyeonN) [2024.08 졸업]
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Current :
Education : 계명대학교 신소재공학과 (B.S.)
Research topic : Biomedical Ti alloys
Publication : SCI(E) 0편, non-SCI(E) 0편
Master's thesis : Development of low-elastic modulus high-strength Ti-Mo alloys with ferrochrome added for low-cost biomedical applications
Tel: 053-950-5565
41566 대구광역시 북구 대학로 80
80, Daehak-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu, Republic of Korea